Foodie Friday: Oyster Shortcake from 1921
Another unusual recipe from A Modern Manual of Cooking by Marion Harris Neil. This recipe is for an oyster shortcake using a quart of oysters. It’s really large shortcake biscuit served with an oyster and sauce filling. The recipe is as it was printed in 1921.
Oyster Shortcake
- 2 cupfuls flour
- 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoonful salt
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1 quart oysters
- 1/2 cupful Crisco
- 2 tablespoonfuls cornstarch
- 1/4 cupful cream
- Salt and pepper to taste
Mix flour, baking powder and 1/2 teaspoonful salt, then sift twice, work in Crisco with tips of fingers, add milk gradually. The dough should be just soft enough to handle. Toss on floured baking board, divid into two parts, pat lightly and roll out. Place in two shallow Criscoed cake tins and bake in quick oven fifteen minutes. Spread them with butter. Moisten cornstarch with cream, put into pan with oysters and seasonings and make very hot. Allow to cook a few minutes then pour half over one crust, place other crust on top and pour over rest of oysters. Serve at once. Sufficient for one large shortcake.
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