Potato Pies: Sweet Potato Styles

Potato Pies: Sweet Potato Styles

We all know and have probably tasted the Southern favorite – Sweet Potato Pie. Way back when, plain old bakers (as in the white potatoes used for baked potatoes) were used in pies, too. Here is a recipe from The Blue Grass Cook Book (1904) 

Wartime Pork Recipes and Old Fashioned Pork Cake Recipe Using Salt Pork from 1927

Wartime Pork Recipes and Old Fashioned Pork Cake Recipe Using Salt Pork from 1927

Pork is known as the other white meat. During WWII and the Depression Era pork was a source of protein nourishment and people were encouraged to use the entire pig for food. The image shown here has many recipes for pork using not only parts 

Confectionery Centerpieces (Pièces Montées – Confiserie)

Confectionery Centerpieces (Pièces Montées – Confiserie)

Everyone’s favorite stop at the dessert table or the focal point at a formal dinner is the showpiece. And the traditional pièce montée has been around a very long time. In 1864, the Parkinson’s confectionery family talked about creating gum paste vases, nougat baskets, and spun sugar 

Old Fashioned Chess Pie Recipe from 1877

Old Fashioned Chess Pie Recipe from 1877

This recipe for Chess Pie comes from Buckeye Cookery and Practical Housekeeping (Estelle Woods Wilcox, Buckeye Publishing Company, 1877). For modern recipes, I’ve listed three different Chess Pie recipes on the Pastry Sampler blog as well as a few supposed origins of Chess Pie. The 

Cobblers: Would the Real Cobbler Stand Up

Cobblers: Would the Real Cobbler Stand Up

What is a cobbler? It can be basically defined as a baked fruit dessert with some kind of crust to it. But, while I usually term cobbler with a biscuit crust, others will identify a cobbler with a pastry crust. Looking back through old cookbooks,